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What Rich People Eat At Restaurants – $47,221.09 – Is It Justifiable?

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Take a look at the receipt below. (if image is not showing up, use this link to see it.)

How do you view it? When I saw this, I was not taken by surprise at all since I know the world of the rich spend crazy money like that.

What’s more, it’s a russian billionaire. I don’t know the dude so I did a bit of research… turns out Roman Abramovich has his own Wikipedia page.

billionairemealIn summary, he’s the…

Now, here’s where it gets interesting… this very same picture was posted on a forum and people started to condemn this man.

For me, I felt it was totally relative and here’s how I saw it…

If he’s just worth only $1 Billion… and he spent $50,000 on a meal with 5 friends, that means he spent 0.005% of his money on a meal.

If a person makes $3,000 a month and spends that 0.005% on a meal, it amounts to $15… with 5 friends.

(I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent much more than $15 on a meal just on myself, not even with 5 friends!)

While it’s an interesting insight into the world of Billionaires, people were quick to judge him. Some judged him as extravagant, others envied, some tried to justify his actions and many others just decided to keep their thoughts to themselves.

What do you think? Share your thoughts and leave a comment below.

Posted in: Rich

2 Responses to “What Rich People Eat At Restaurants – $47,221.09 – Is It Justifiable?”

  1. Ben GreenNo Gravatar says:

    I used to be a waiter – I love this guy! He was oviously enjoying his role as a host to his friends and spared no expense for their benefit. Check out the 20% that Eropeans are not known for giving. I don't know about anybody else but I wouldn't mind making over 7 grand a night in the service of others.

  2. asherawNo Gravatar says:

    I guess most waiters would absolutely love to wait on a guy like this 🙂 7 grand a night is cool stuff, no matter how you look at it